Danish PM believes EU has been naive about China

Currently the NATO Summit in Washington is getting close to wrapping up. Already there has been clear statements on the relation to China in regards to the Russia-Ukraine war.

The Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, stated the following about the EU’s efforts in the Ukraine-Russia war:

“We work and we move too slowly. I think we have been too naive on Russia, too naive on China. We have to speed up, scale up as Europeans,” she stated.

She stated this at the NATO summit in Washington, which was held from the 9 of July 2024 until Today, 11 July 2024.

She mentions China in this regard, perhaps refering to how NATO have overlooked the support China is giving Russia in the ongoing war.

NATO has collectively decided to support Ukraine on an ‘irreversible path’ to integration, and has also decided to call on China to cease all support for Russia’s war efforts against Kyiv. This was stated in a draft joint communique seen by Reuters Yesterday, 10 July 2024.

NATO calls China a ‘decisive enabler’ of Russia’s war efforts in Ukraine. They also state that Beijing continuesly pose systematic challenges to Europe and to security.

Earlier this week Sweden also called for NATO to have more focus on China. However in this case Sweden wanted the focus on China so they could ensure the support from the US. To read more on this case click here.

Source: MSN and Reuters

About Lærke Kobberup

Lærke Kobberup is a Journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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