Indoneasia bans all liquid medicines after deaths of children

99 Indonesian children have died from ingesting liquid medicine. Photo: the Daily Times

As reported by Danish public-service media, DR, 200 Indonesian children have been affected by acute renal impairment from which around half of the children has died.

Liquid medicine such as cough syrup is believed to have been the cause of the deaths whereafter the Indonesian government has suspended all sales of liquid- and syrup resembling medicine.

Earlier this month, the World Health Organization, WHO, released a warning saying cough syrup was believed to be related to more than 70 deaths among children in Gambia. The medicine contained extremely high levels of the chemicals ethylenglycol and diethylenglycol which can be associated with acute renal impairment.


About Jeannette Hinrup

Jeannette Sophie Hinrup is a Danish environmental geographer traveling South East Asia while writing for ScandAsia.

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