Joint statement about the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar

The Ambassador of the U.S. to Myanmar Robert Wood delivered a joint press statement on the humanitarian situation in Myanmar on behalf of among other countries Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

He voiced concern over the escalation of violence, conflict, and credible reports of violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law across Myanmar, that are further worsening the humanitarian crisis in the country.

He especially mentioned, that recent reports have indicated, that the Myanmar military regime has used internally displaced persons in the Rakhine State, many of whom are from the ethnic Rohingya minority, and used them as human shields. He also said, that credible reports have mentioned that the regime has put landmines around the camps of the internally displaced and are beginning to use the camps as military bases.

The development follows reports of other violations such as indiscriminate aerial bombardments of civilians and civilian objects, burnings of civilian homes and attacks on humanitarian workers and facilities.

The press statement also mentioned a rise in people in humanitarian need from 1 million to 18.6 million people since the military coup in February 2021.

The joint statement called for a permanent and peaceful solution, and a de-escalation of violence and respect of international humanitarian law to protect civilians. It also recalled the demands for the full implementation of the UNSC resolution 2669 from 2022.


About Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen

Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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