Young Swedish man injured in motorbike accident


A 20-year old Swedish man from Stockholm crashed on a motorbike on 12 May 2024 and is currently in hospital, being treated for his multiple injuries. He rented a motorbike on the last day of his trip in Thailand and crashed when a woman on the opposite side of the road overtook him and collided head-on.

The accident resulted in several internal bleedings and he was in dire need of blood. His family used Facebook to encourage local expats to donate blood in Bangkok as very few Thai nationals have the young man’s blood type O rhesus negative blood.

ScandAsia has contacted Bangkok Hospital, who stated that the Swedish national doesn’t need more blood, but they couldn’t inform whether the patient’s state is stable in regards of the patient’s need for privacy. People with rhesus negative blood types are in general encouraged to donate blood, because of the rarity of the blood type in Thailand.

According to the victims aunt who talked to Swedish media, the young man shattered his pelvis, broke both legs, a foot, several toes, a knee and an elbow. But the internal damage took the biggest toll on the young man, as both lungs have collapsed, the kidneys are damaged, the spleen is ruptured and he has several internal bleedings. Despite the serious injuries, he never lost consciousness during the accident.

His mother immediately flew to Thailand the day after the accident and is now with her son. At home in Sweden, the young man’s little sister and an older brother are waiting for updates.

About Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen

Charlotte Nike Albrechtsen is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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