Ambassador Jon Åström Gröndahl takes a stand on violence against children 

In connection with Children’s Day in Thailand on 8 January, Sweden’s Ambassador Jon Åström Gröndahl takes a stand on violence against children with the following message:

“Teach children well with love and end violence against them”.

According to the Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok, the Ambassador’s message comes because overwhelming evidence shows that corporal punishment has a significantly negative impact on children’s development, happiness, and ability to form respectful and loving relationships with other people. 

35 years ago Sweden became the first country in the world to prohibit corporal punishment of children. According to UNICEF Thailand, physical violence, such as spanking and beating, is still accepted as a normal way of disciplining children in the country. Although corporal punishment is banned in schools, the practice continues.

“Violence against children ultimately impairs their ability to realize their dreams and become successful citizens,” the Embassy says in a statement.

About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

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