Finland signed 4mil Euro to support women in conflicted areas in Myanmar

H.E. Riikka Laatu, Ambassador of Finland to Myanmar Photo: UNFPA Myanmar.

On 25 August, H.E. Riikka Laatu, Finland Ambassador to Myanmar and Mr. Ramanathan Balakrishnan, UNFPA Representative for Myanmar signed the agreement for a grant of 4 million Euro to provide supports for women, girls, young people in conflict-affected areas of Myanmar, including people with special needs e.g. elderly women, women and girls with disability, LGBTQIA+ persons and marginalized communities.

This contribution will be supporting Women and Girls First Programme PhaseII (2020 -2022), enhancing availability and accessibility of life-saving sexual reproductive health, gender-based violence and mental health and pyschosocial support services.

The Programme is implemented across the humanitarian, peacebuilding and development nexus in Kachin, Rakhine, Shan, Mon, Kayin, Kayah, and Chin States.

During 2016-2019, Finland provided 3,650,000 Euro for Women and Girls First Programme Phase I. WGF Programme is supported by Australia, the EU, Finland, Germany, Italy and Sweden.

About Zazithorn Ruengchinda

ScandAsia Journalist • Scandinavian Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok Thailand

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