Norway and UN Women jointly launched Facilitator’s Handbook on Women and Peace in Myanmar

Last week, with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, UN Women and the Norwegian Embassy in Yangon jointly launched the Facilitator’s Handbook on Women and Peace virtually.

The Embassy informs that this publication was originally conceived by UN Women in 2019 under the Norway-funded project: Centering Women and their priorities in Myanmar’s Peace Process: Implementing the United Nations Security Council Resolution and Related Resolutions 1325.

The context in Myanmar has changed dramatically as a consequence of the military take-over in 2021, and the Handbook has been updated to reflect this as well as the Covid 19 pandemic, the Embassy notes.

The Facilitator’s Handbook contains experiences and knowledge shared in consultations by numerous women leaders through their work in the field of women’s peace and security.

This Facilitators Handbook is designed for women peace activists and women leaders. Its purpose is to empower women leaders and women peace activists by giving them the necessary tools to be effective peacebuilders and equipping them with the information and techniques to train other women peace activists.


About Gregers Møller

Editor-in-Chief • ScandAsia Publishing Co., Ltd. • Bangkok, Thailand

View all posts by Gregers Møller

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