Swedish Ambassador to Vietnam is enjoying her final time in Hanoi

The Swedish Ambassador to Vietnam, Ann Måwe, did a public cycling route through Hanoi this Tuesday, 28 May 2024, showing off some of her favorite assets of the city.

The route took her around the iconic West Lake in Hanoi. She pointed out the beautiful flowers and people she saw on her route as things she will miss as her time as the Swedish Ambassador to Vietnam is coming to an end.

During her route she also made a stop at the Trinh Cong Son Walking Street, named after the late renowned Vietnamese songwriter. There, she sang one of his songs. She did this even though she, in her own words, doesn’t speak Vietnamese. She had memorized the song for the perfomance. She mentioned at the event that she realy enjoy listening to vietnamese artists.

Ambassador Ann Måwe enjoys riding her bike and often rides it to work. She hopes that more people in Vietnam would ride their bikes, as it is better for the environment.

Source: Tuoi Tre News

About Lærke Kobberup

Lærke Kobberup is a Journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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