Swedish national arrested trying to smuggle heroin to Myanmar

Hans Arne Ingemar Petersson, a 71-year-old Swedish national was arrested at Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport. The Swedish citizen was found in possession of 3kg of heroin valued at $3,4 million. He reportedly intended to smuggle the heroin to Myanmar.

Petersson appeared before a judge in Harare, who incarcerated him to April 24.

According to the state’s case, detectives from CID Drugs and Narcotics in Harare received information from a source on April 8, that Petersson was in possession of drugs which he intended to smuggle to Myammar.

The police intercepted Peterson at the airport as he checked in.

Detectives approached Petersson and requested to search his bags. This led to the seizure of brown powder suspected to be dangerous drugs. The powder was hitten in a plastic bag and stashed in a false compartment created in one of the bags.

Pertersson was taken to CID offices, where primary field tests were conducted in his presence on the seized brown powder which tested positive for heroin.

The seized heroin weighed 3kg and has a street value of $3 400 000 in Zimbabwe.

Source: newsday.co.zw

About Miabell Mallikka

Miabell Mallikka is a journalist working with ScandAsia at the headquarters in Bangkok.

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