EUROCHAM Malaysia and EMPTA discussed issues within the automotive industry

EUROCHAM Malaysia and EMPTA met to discuss possibilities and challenges within the automotive industry. Photo: EUROCHAM

EUROCHAM Malaysia reports to have had a fruitful and productive discussion with EMPTA on possible areas of cooperation, joint advocacy, and other issues and topics that is affecting the automotive industry.

The Head of EUROCHAM Malaysia Automotive Sector Committee, Mr. Pierre Brochet, and EUROCHAM Malaysia’s were received by the Selangor and Federal Territory Engineering and Motor Parts Traders’ Association Malaysia (EMPTA) team.

EUROCHAM thanked EMPTA for the engagement and said they look forward to similar meetings in the future.


About Jeannette Hinrup

Jeannette Sophie Hinrup is a Danish environmental geographer traveling South East Asia while writing for ScandAsia.

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